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7 mistakes that destroy your YouTube channel - and not get profits


When it comes to running a successful YouTube channel, there are a few things that you definitely want to avoid if you don't want to see your channel go downhill quickly. Here are 7 mistakes you should really try to avoid if you want your YouTube channel to stay live - and be successful!

First, one of the worst things you can do is neglect your channel and not upload any new content. If you want people to keep watching your videos, you have to keep uploading new and interesting content regularly. If you go for long periods without uploading anything new, your viewers will quickly lose interest and switch to another channel.

mistakes that destroy your YouTube channel
7 mistakes that destroy your YouTube channel - and not get profits

Another big mistake you can make is focusing only on quantity over quality. Just because there's a lot of content out there doesn't mean it's all good content. If you want people to keep watching your videos, you need to make sure they are all interesting, well-made, and fun to watch.

Another mistake that can quickly kill your YouTube channel is engaging in shady or unethical practices, such as buying views or subscribers.

Not posting regularly

If you are serious about building a YouTube following, you need to post videos regularly. This means at least once a week, and preferably more. Posting infrequently makes your channel lose momentum and makes it more difficult to attract new viewers.

It can be hard to keep a regular posting schedule, especially if you're working on other projects or don't have a lot of ideas for new videos. But it is important to be consistent if you want to grow your channel. You can always try recording a bunch of videos all at once, or collaborate with other YouTubers to produce regular content.

Whatever you do, make sure that you come up with new videos regularly for your audience to enjoy. Otherwise, you risk stagnating your channel and losing viewers.

Post irrelevant content

Posting irrelevant content is one of the biggest mistakes a YouTuber can make. It can be tempting to post what you think will get the most views, but if those videos don't align with the overall theme of your channel, you're just shooting yourself.

Viewers subscribed to your channel because they were interested in the content you were posting. If you start moving on to other topics, they get frustrated and unsubscribe. You might get a few extra views from people stumbling across your videos while looking for something else, but those viewers are unlikely to stick around or subscribe to your channel.

It is important to remember that YouTube is a search engine and people use it to find specific content. If your videos don't match what they're looking for, they won't watch them. Even if you have the most amazing video in the world, if it isn't relevant to what viewers expect, it won't do well.

If you're stuck looking for ideas, try looking at the most popular videos on your channel and see if you can find a thread in common between them. What about the videos that viewers interact with? Once you know what your viewers want to see, you can start creating content that they will love.

Not engaging with your audience

Your YouTube audience is your bread and butter. Without them, you wouldn't have a channel. That is why it is very important to deal with them. Here are three ways you can ruin your chances of getting a successful channel by not engaging with your audience.

Not responding to comments

The comments section of your videos is a great place to engage with your audience. If you don't answer their questions or respond to their comments, you are missing out on a golden opportunity. Viewers want to know that you care about what they have to say, and you can show them that by taking the time to respond to their comments.

Not posting regularly

If you don't post regularly, your audience will lose interest. You need to give them a reason to keep coming back, and the only way to do that is by constantly coming up with new content. If it goes too long without posting, they will forget about you and move on to someone else.

Not collaborating with other YouTubers

Collaborating with other YouTubers is a great way to find new audiences and grow your channel. It's also a lot of fun! You can work with someone you enjoy watching, and your audience can see you in a different light. If you are not collaborating with other YouTubers, you are missing out on a great opportunity to interact with new viewers.

Not optimizing your videos

If you are not optimizing your YouTube videos, you are losing a lot of potential viewers. YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google, so it is important to ensure that your videos are properly optimized for the site. Here are four mistakes that can ruin your YouTube channel:

No keyword research.

If you don't do proper keyword research, you won't rank for any relevant keywords on YouTube. Without ranking for relevant keywords, your potential viewers won't watch your videos. Make sure to do your research and target the right keywords for your videos.

Not optimizing your video titles

Your title is the first thing potential viewers see, so it's important to make sure it's properly optimized. Include relevant keywords and make sure they are catchy and attention-grabbing. A good title will attract viewers to click on your video.

Not optimizing your video descriptions.

Your video description is another important part of YouTube. This is where you can include more keyword relevance and give viewers a brief summary of what your video is all about. Make sure to include a call-to-action in your description, telling viewers what they should do after watching your video.

Not creating engaging videos.

No matter how well your videos are optimized, if they aren't interesting or engaging, viewers will quickly click through. Make sure your videos are something people will want to watch and make sure they are full of useful and relevant information.

If you don't make these 4 mistakes, you are well on your way to YouTube success. Just remember to do your keyword research, optimize your titles and descriptions, and create engaging videos, and you'll be sure to get plenty of viewers to your channel.

Not creating a call to action.

A call to action (CTA) is an essential component of any successful YouTube video. By including a CTA at the end of your video, you can encourage your viewers to take a specific action, like subscribing to your channel, visiting your website, or making a purchase.

Your CTA is specific, relevant, and actionable

However, not all calls to action are created equal. To be effective, your CTA needs to be specific, relevant, and actionable. Here are five common mistakes that can ruin the effectiveness of your CTAs:

Asking viewers to do a lot

Don't try to cram too much into your CTA. Keep it simple and focused on one action. Asking viewers to "Subscribe to our channel, like our video, and share with their friends" is overkill. Stick to one basic action and you will be more successful.

Make your CTA irrelevant to the content of the video

Your CTA should be relevant to your video content and provide your viewers with a logical next step. For example, if your video is about a new product launch, your call to action might be to visit your website to learn more. On the other hand, if your video is a customer testimonial, your CTA might be to subscribe to your channel to see more testimonials.

Use of vague language

Your CTA should be clear and concise. Avoid vague language like "show us" or "show us some love." Be specific about what you want your viewers to do.

Does not include CTA

This one is self-explanatory, but it's worth mentioning. A video without a call-to-action is like a commercial without a call-to-action — ineffective. If you want your videos to be successful, you must include a CTA.

Create a non-actionable CTA

Your CTA must be actionable. This means that it has to be something that viewers can actually do. For example, "Subscribe to our channel" is doable, but "Watch our video" is not.

If you avoid these common mistakes, you'll be well on your way to creating an effective CTA that can help grow your YouTube channel.

Not building a community

The success of any YouTube channel depends on two things - great content and a strong community. If you want to create a successful channel, you need to focus on making your channel a place where people can come to not only watch great videos but also interact with other like-minded people. Here are six mistakes that can destroy your YouTube community:

Not moderating comments.

The comments section on YouTube can be a breeding ground for trolls and negativity. If you don't moderate the comments on your videos, all it takes is one negative comment to ruin everyone's mood. Not only that, but negative comments can also discourage others from commenting on your videos.

Not interacting with your viewers.

Viewers are the people who make up your community. If you are not interacting with them, you are not building a community. Take the time to respond to comments and questions. If you can, try to incorporate viewership suggestions into your videos.

Disrespect to other YouTubers.

While it is important to focus on your own channel, you also need to remember that you are part of a larger community. If you want people to respect your channel, you need to respect other channels as well. This means no bashing other channels or YouTubers in your videos or in the comments.

Inactivity on other platforms.

YouTube is just one platform. If you want to build a strong community, you need to be active on other platforms as well. This means promoting your channel on social media, participating in forums, and posting on relevant blogs.

If you want people to stay where they are, you have to be consistent. This means posting new videos on a regular schedule. If you take too long between videos, people will forget about you and move on.

Not promoting your channel enough

You can have the best content in the world, but if no one knows about your channel, you won't get anywhere. You need to promote your channel everywhere you can. This means using social media, forums, blogs, and any other platform you can think of.

If you want to build a successful YouTube channel, you need to focus on building a strong community. By avoiding these 6 mistakes, you'll be well on your way to building a community that will help you succeed on YouTube.

Not analyzing your data

  1. Your YouTube channel will never be successful if you don't take the time to analyze your data. By data, we mean things like your channel's engagement stats, watch time, and demographics. All of this information is available to you in YouTube Analytics, and you must take the time to wrap up the meaning of it all.
  2. If your channel's engagement stats are low, that's a clear sign that something needs to change. Maybe your videos are too long, or maybe they aren't interesting enough. Whatever the case, you will not be able to solve the problem unless you take the time to analyze the data.
  3. The same applies to the watch time of your channel. If people are only watching your videos for a few minutes, it is a sign that they are not really interested in what you have to say. Again, you won't be able to solve the problem unless you take the time to look at the data and see what's going on.
  4. Finally, it is also important to know your channel demographics. If you're only attracting viewers from one demographic, that's a sign that you're not reaching a wide enough audience. You need to analyze your data to see who your channel attracts and then find ways to reach a wider audience.
  5. All of this means that if you don't take the time to analyze your YouTube data, you won't succeed. It's that easy. So take your time to look at your numbers and see what they tell you. It may be the difference between a successful channel and a channel that flops.

We present to you the end of this blog, which includes the top 7 mistakes that can destroy your YouTube channel and prevent you from benefiting financially from your content. We hope you liked the content and it was useful to you. We welcome your questions and feedback in the comments. Thank you for following our site.
